Eric Bandazewski
Appears in 35 Episodes
Kay Eastham - Army Veteran
Born in a small town in Kansas, Kay continues a legacy of veterans in America from rural areas who seek the opportunity to serve and lift themselves out of poverty or ...
Morgan Hancock - Founder of Bourbon with Heart
Morgan Hancock stopped by the virtual bar. She is an Army veteran, commercial real estate agent, entrepreneur, bourbonista, and passionate advocate of the arts. Morgan...
Twitter's @LouisvilleGun
An accomplished shitpoaster, part time shooter, full time autist, Louisvillegun has been active in the 2nd amendment scene since the early 90s, way back to when people...
Jesse Kelly - Host of The Jesse Kelly Show
Jesse Kelly is a former Marine, candidate for Congress, and currently hosts the nationally syndicated "The Jesse Kelly Show". Jesse stopped by the virtual bar to discu...
Brian and Teresa Morgenstern - "Vignettes & Vino" Authors and Former Senior White House Staff
Brian Morgenstern is the former White House Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Communications Director, as well as a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury i...